Valérie E. Chartrand

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Avec le boulot et la vie folle de tous les jours, j’avais besoin de me concentrer sur moi-même et ma rencontre avec Nick m’a permis de prendre ce temps d’arrêt. Avoir un entraineur privé m’offre une aventure équilibrée, énergisante et inspirante et grâce à Nick, j’ai découvert une force en moi que je ne pensais pas avoir. Chaque entraînement, aussi difficile qu’il soit, est un événement qui transforme mon corps et esprit. Nous avons, avec le temps, développés une certaine amitié et même si nous travaillons très fort, Nick prend toujours le temps de m’écouter et de m’aider à intégrer la pensée positive dans ma vie. J’ai enfin réalisé que je peux accomplir tout ce que je veux, si j’y mets les efforts nécessaires. Merci Nick pour la remarquable différence tu fais dans ma vie!

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Stefano Chiella

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Nick has been my personal trainer since 2009.The results that I have achieved thus far are largely due to Nick’s perfect combination of diverse & unique training methods, individual exercise programs and challenging yet achievable goals. His professionalism, extensive knowledge and enthusiastic commitment to your success make way for a new healthier lifestyle!

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Dr. George Giannou

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Nick Drossos self-defense training has been a phenomenal experience for me. It goes beyond traditional martial arts, and is truly aimed at giving you the tools to react appropriately in real life situations; I was in a dangerous circumstance not long ago, and Nicks training made a tremendous difference in the way I dealt with the situation, which could have been life-threatening. I believe everyone should get this training, to build the skills and confidence to deal with any situation life may bring forth. Nick Drossos has combined his wisdom and experience to create a truly extraordinary system; he is more than a teacher, he is a master.

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Sandra Tardif Giannou

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Training with Nick is challenging, yet it feels like an incredible self achievement after every session. My physical energy intensifies. Being even more in shape raises additional focus, at work and in my personal life, which proves to be a great asset.

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Maria Karounis, B.Sc., MBA

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Nick has been my personal trainer for a year and a half now following the birth of my son. The amazing results I have achieved are largely due to Nick’s perfect combination of diverse training methods, individualized exercise programs and challenging yet achievable goal setting. Nick is skilled and passionate about fitness and it shows through the energy he brings to every session. If you are serious about changing your life for the better, Nick will lead you every step of the way. His easy going, friendly personality creates a comfortable atmosphere and his enthusiastic commitment to his clients sets the foundation for success and a healthier lifestyle.

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